Nude emperors

So I signed up for Connected Courses.

It may reboot one of my blogs — if nothing else — which have become increasingly neglected as I have become more of a microblogger these days.

Amazingly, I just sat and watched a YouTube without shuffling in my seat for one hour and six minutes courtesy of Jim Groom, Howard Rheingold, and Alan Levine. (I even smiled at their blokey in-jokes.) Seriously, though, these guys need to be taken seriously. I will stick this course out if it kills me because there has to be more to life as a university learner than the ‘LMS’, and I’m confident these guys have the answers.

If I can learn how to deliver high quality courses in an engaging, creative and inexpensive way, that frees my institution of the albatross around its neck that is BlackBoard, I will be one happy little vegemite. There is no doubt in my mind that the LMS has become an anachronism, but to hint that the emperor is wearing no clothes — at this stage, anyway — is unlikely to win any popularity contest.

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Posted in Connected Courses
4 comments on “Nude emperors
  1. Vegemite! I can help but see that word and think of Men at Work. In fact, there should be a whole field at work re-thinking how we do online education, and I’m with you 100%. Thanks for playing a long, and I look forward to reading and interacting more.

  2. chrisbigum says:

    OK – you’ve successfully nudged. 🙂

  3. Marj Kibby says:

    I refuse to call them LMSs they manage courses, not learning – and they are rather good at that, unfortunately. Being able to embed Twitter and other social media helps include students’ personal learning environments but they are still teacher focused CMSs.

  4. jeremy says:

    Love this comment Marj – thank you 🙂

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